Jobs to do during February in your garden

A list of jobs to take care of in your garden throughout February.
Spring is just around the corner and the garden is waking up, with bulbs appearing as daylight hours increase and temperatures warm up. There are plenty of jobs to do in February indoors to set you up for the season ahead, such as early seed sowing. As things begin to stir outdoors we can start tackling shrub and hedge pruning too. Save your FREE February gardening checklist here*.
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The jobs below will prepare you for the best growing season in your garden yet:
Mulch shrubs –
Mulch plants such as roses and shrubs with a thick layer of well-rotted manure or organic matter.
Continue weeding borders –
Keep weeding out perennials (make sure you get the whole root) and annual weeds.
Prepare seedbeds –
Cultivate borders (only do this is the ground is not frozen) and start to warm up the soil (cover with cloches, fleece of polythene sheets).
Lift and divide Snowdrops and Winter Aconites “in the green”–
By doing this now, you’ll be able to see them (and find them). Divide large clumps and replant to start new colonies.
Prune winter-flowering shrubs –
Once shrubs such as Mahonia, Daphne and Winter Jasmine have finished flowering, prune to maintain shape and/or size.
Prune vigorous shrubs –
Fast-growing shrubs such as Buddleja and Elder can be cut to the base to keep them manageable and stop them from growing too big.
Cut back over-wintered shrubs –
Fuchsias that have been over-wintered in the greenhouse can be cut back this month and watered more frequently. This will encourage them to put on lots of new growth.
Trim hedges –
Reshape hedges now before the bird nesting season starts.
Keep an eye out for plant disease in the greenhouse and outside –
Remove any yellowing leaves to prevent the spread of disease. Be on particular lookout for Hellebore leaf spot and remove any sign of affected leaves.
Shop for and plant summer bulbs –
Start planting summer bulbs such as Agapanthus, Lilies and Eucomis and grow under protection until temperatures warm up.
Continue cutting down spent perennials –
Cut down and clear away faded perennials and deciduous grasses (cut grasses before the new shoots appear). Remove dead grass from evergreen grasses. Add everything to your compost heap or garden waste bin.
Organise seeds –
Organise seeds that you would like to sow, by date (so you don’t miss their sowing windows). Store them in a box with dividers and arrange from nearest to further in the future, front to back.
Sow early annuals and summer bedding seeds –
Start seeds such as Cosmos, Lobelia and Snapdragons off under protection (greenhouse or a sunny windowsill), ready for potting on and planting out.
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Download your FREE February garden checklist here* or buy my Gardener’s Calendar here.
*PLEASE NOTE: By saving my FREE checklists, you agree not to sell, reproduce or alter the artwork in any way. You may not change the design or remove my tag "@talkingofplants".